Vector addition calculator
Step by step worksheet, vector addition

Solves problem in this form... \[(a_1 + b_1)i + (a_2 + b_2)j+ (a_3 + b_3)k \]

vector addition calculator

Vector addition calculator employs vector addition principles, such as the parallelogram law or the triangle law, to accurately determine the resultant vector. It takes into account the direction and magnitude of each vector, ensuring precise calculations.
Use formula of vector addition to solve any vector additions

Sample 1

Vector a(3,5,7) and b(5,6,9) , follow these steps:

Step 1: Entering the values for vector a

Enter 3, 5, 7 into a box marked ai, aj, ak respectively

Step 2: Entering the values for b-vector

Enter 5, 6, 9 into box marked bi, bj, bk respectively


Hit the check mark to solve vector addition

About Vector Addition Calculator

A vector addition calculator is a powerful tool that allows users to effortlessly perform arithmetic operations involving vectors. It simplifies the process of adding vectors together by providing an efficient and accurate method for calculating their resultant vector.

Simply input the coordinates or magnitudes and angles of the vectors you wish to add, and the calculator quickly computes the resultant vector.

Inside the Vector Addition Calculator's Brain

This tool is particularly useful in various fields, including physics, engineering, and mathematics. It enables professionals and students to perform vector addition calculations in a fraction of the time it would take by manual methods. Moreover, it minimizes the risk of human error, guaranteeing reliable and consistent results.

A vector addition calculator often offers advanced features, such as the ability to compute the dot product or cross product of vectors. These functionalities further enhance its usefulness and versatility, as they allow users to perform more complex vector operations effortlessly.

How to Solve Vector Addition

To solve the vector addition of a(3,5,7) and b(5,6,9), follow these steps:

1. Write down the given vectors: a = (3,5,7) and b = (5,6,9).

2. Add the corresponding components of the vectors. In this case, add the x-components, y-components, and z-components separately:

  • - For the x-component: 3 +5 =8

  • - For the y-component: 5 +6 =11

  • - For the z-component: 7 +9 =16

3. Write the resulting vector by combining the components obtained in the previous step.

The resulting vector is the sum of vectors a and b: (8,11,16).

Therefore, the vector sum of a(3,5,7) and b(5,6,9) is (8,11,16).

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