Percentage Subtraction Calculator
Step by step worksheet, percentage subtraction

Solves percentage addition using \[c=a-b \% \times \frac{a}{100} \]

percentage subtraction calculator

percentage subtraction calculator

Percentage subtraction calculator calculates the subtraction of a specific percentage from a given value.
Solves percentage subtraction using the formula below
percentage-subtraction formula


Enter the initial value

step 2: Getting it right

Enter the final value


Hit the check mark to solve for percentage subtraction.

What is Percentage Subtraction?

Percentage subtraction is a mathematical operation that involves subtracting a certain percentage from a given value. This process allows us to calculate the difference resulting from the reduction of a certain percentage from a whole.

Formula for Percentage Subtraction

%subtraction  = a - b% * a/100

Where a is the original value, b is the amount in percentage subtracted from a

Worked Examples Using Percentage Subtraction Calculator

Example 1

Let's subtract 15% from 200.


200 - (15/100 * 200) = 200 - 30 = 170

The difference after subtracting 15% from 200 is 170.

Example 2

Subtract 25% from 800.


800 - (25/100 * 800) = 800 - 200 = 600

The difference after subtracting 25% from 800 is 600.

Example 3

Subtract 10% from 1500.


1500 - (10/100 * 1500) = 1500 - 150 = 1350

The difference after subtracting 10% from 1500 is 1350.

Example 4

Subtract 5% from 50.

Calculation: 50 - (5/100 * 50) = 50 - 2.5 = 47.5

The difference after subtracting 5% from 50 is 47.5.

Real-life examples of percentage subtraction

1. Sale Discounts: In retail, stores often offer discounts on products by subtracting a certain percentage from the original price. For instance, during a sale, a store might subtract 20% off the regular price of an item.

2. Tax Reduction: Governments sometimes decrease the tax burden on individuals or businesses by subtracting a certain percentage from their taxable income or sales. This reduction in taxes helps to stimulate economic growth or support specific sectors.

3. Investment Returns: Investors can calculate the difference in returns on their investments by subtracting fees or charges expressed as a percentage. This allows them to determine the actual profit or loss on their investments.

4. Salary Deductions: In some cases, employees' salaries may have deductions, such as contributions to retirement plans or health insurance. These deductions are often calculated as a percentage of the employee's salary and are subtracted accordingly.

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