direct proportion calculator
Step by step worksheet, direct proportion

Solves problem in this form \[\frac{x_1}{y_1}=\frac{x_2}{k}\]

direct proportion

direct proportion calculator

Direct proportion calculator tells you how many grams of a mixture to use when you need to make a direct or indirect proportion. It expresses the relationship between two quantities, when they increase or decrease in the same ratio
Solves direct proportion in this form
Examples, If 25 litres of petrol costs $58, calculate the cost of 30 litres. This calculator can resolve this type of simple problem between the cost and price of gas.

Step 1

Enter 25 in box marked "x1"

Step 2

Enter 58 in the box marked "y1"

Step 3

Enter 20 into the box marked y1. The problem to solve is labelled as "Unknown"


Hit the check mark to solve for direct proportion

Direct Proportion Explained In Simple Terms

Direct proportion refers to a situation in which two values increase or decrease together in the same way. If one value increases by a certain amount, the other value also increases by the same amount. If one decreases, then the other also decreases. In a direct proportion, the ratio of two values is always the same. The direct proportion calculator even makes it easier than ever to compute for the unknown in a record time.

Step by Step Work Examples of How to Solve Direct Proportion Problems:

  • 1. Identify the two variables involved in the proportion. These will be referred to as x and y.

  • 2. Write down the proportion. The written proportion should be in the form “x is directly proportional to y”.

  • 3. Find a pair of values that illustrates the proportion. For example, if x = 2 and y = 4, this is an example of a direct proportion since x is directly proportional to y.

  • 4. Use the given pair of values to calculate the ratio. In the example, the ratio is 2:4, which can also be written as 1:2.

  • 5. Use the ratio to calculate the value of the unknown variable. For example, if x = 6, then you can use the ratio to calculate that y = 12 (since 6 is twice as much as 3 and 12 is twice as much as 6).

  • 6. Use the direct proportion calculator to check your answer. In the example, if x = 6 and y = 12, then 6 is double 3 and 12 is double 6, which satisfies the condition that x is directly proportional to y.ratios and proportions. It can also help us understand how changes in one variable can affect another variable and vice versa.

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