Percentage of Calculator
What percentage of a makes up b

Solves percentage of using \[ c\%=b\times\frac{100}{a}\]

percentage of something

percentage of calculator

Percentage of something is defined as the division of the experimental value by the actual value, multiplied by 100%.
Solves percentage of using the formula below
percentage of-formula


Enter the original value in the box marked "a"

step 2: Getting it right

Enter the part of the percentage in box marked "b"


Hit the check mark to solve for percentage.

What is Percentage of Implies?

The term "percentage of " refers to a proportion or fraction of a whole expressed as a hundredth. It is often denoted by the symbol "%". When we talk about a percentage of something, we are referring to a part of a whole expressed as a fraction of 100.

Formula to compute percentage of

  • c% = b * 100/a


  • a = original value

  • b= the percentage of, as part of the original value, a

  • c% = is the result to be computed.

This equation illustrate how to find the percentage of a given value and provide a variety of scenarios to practice this concept.

Worked Examples Using Percentage 0f

Example 1

What percentage of 200 is 10?


Using the formula

c% = (10 * 100/200)%

= (10 * 0.5)%

= 5 %

Hence, 10 is 5% of 200.

Example 2

What percentage of 80 is 20?


To find the percentage, we can use the same formula :

20 = (c/100) * 80

Dividing both sides by 80 and multiplying by 100 gives:

0.25 = c/100
c = 0.25 * 100
c = 25%

Hence, 20 is 25% of 80.

Example 3

What percentage of 50 is 10?


Following the same steps as before:

10 = (x/100) * 50

Dividing both sides by 50 and multiplying by 100 gives:

0.2 = x/100
x = 0.2 * 100
x = 20

Therefore, 10 is 20% of 50.

Example 4

What percentage of 120 is 36?


Using the equation:

36 = (x/100) * 120

Dividing both sides by 120 and multiplying by 100 gives:

0.3 = x/100
x = 0.3 * 100
x = 30

So, 36 is 30% of 120.

Real-life examples of percentage of...

Grade Conversion: In a class, a student scores 10 out of 150 on a test. To convert this score to a percentage, we can apply the percentage concept. By dividing the score by the total possible score and multiplying by 100:
(10/150) * 100 = 6.67%

Therefore, the student scored 6.67% on the test.

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