Logarithms product rule
Step by step worksheet, laws of logarithm

Solves \[\log A + \log B\]

logarithms rules product

Logarithms product rule calculator

Logarithms product rule calculator solves equations involving sum of two logarithms with step by step worksheet.
Solves logarithm in this form
log product rule two

Step1: Writing the expression

Enter 12 into the box marked "A"

step 2: Getting it right

Enter 9 into the box marked "B"


Hit the check mark to solve for logarithms.

Logarithms Product Rules

1. Logarithm of a product

This rule states that the logarithm of a product is equal to the sum of the logarithms of the individual factors.

2. Logarithm of a quotient

This rule states that the logarithm of a quotient is equal to the difference of the logarithms of the numerator and denominator.

log quotient rule

3. Logarithm of a power

This rule states that the logarithm of a power is equal to the product of the exponent and the logarithm of the base.

log power rules

Example 1 Without Changing the Base

To solve the equation 2^x = 5, take the logarithm (base 2) of both sides to eliminate the exponent.

  • log_2(2^x) = log_2(5)

  • Using the logarithmic property that states if log_b(x^y) = y * log_b(x), you can simplify the equation:

  • x * log_2(2) = log_2(5)

  • Since log_2(2) = 1, we have:

  • x = log_2(5)

  • Using a calculator, we can evaluate log_2(5) to be approximately 2.3219.

  • Hence, the solution to the equation

  • 2^x = 5 is

  • x ≈ 2.3219.

Example 2, Using Base 10

To solve the equation 2^x = 8 using base 10, we can take the logarithm (base 10) of both sides to eliminate the exponent.

  • log_10(2^x) = log_10(8)

  • Using the logarithmic property that states if log_b(x^y) = y * log_b(x), we can simplify the equation:

  • x * log_10(2) = log_10(8)

  • Since log_10(2) is a constant, we can evaluate it to be approximately 0.3010.

  • x * 0.3010 = log_10(8)

  • Using a calculator, we can evaluate log_10(8) to be approximately 0.9031.

  • x * 0.3010 = 0.9031

  • Simplifying further, we can solve for x:

  • x ≈ 0.9031 / 0.3010
    x ≈ 2.999

  • Therefore, the solution to the equation 2^x = 8 using base 10 is x ≈ 2.999.

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