fraction division
Fraction Solver, Fractions Division (÷)

Divides fractions (÷) using \[\frac{n_1}{d_1}\div\frac{n_2}{d_2}=\frac{n_1}{d_1}\times\frac{d_2}{n_2}\]

fraction division calculator

Fraction division Calculator

A fraction division calculator is a tool that helps in dividing fractions in a record time.

To resolve fraction division of two fractions, use the sample expressions below

1. Add 1/5 ÷ 3/5

first part of the fraction

Enter ( 1/5 ) brackets before and after the fraction

second part of the fraction

Enter forward slash " / " follow by the second fraction


Hit the check mark to solve fraction division

Dividing one positive and one negative fractions 

Divide 1/9 ÷ -5/7

  • Start by entering the open bracket (

  • Enter the first fraction 1/9

  • Close the first fraction by closing the bracket )

  • Enter the division sign " / " in place of " ÷ "

  • Enter negative sign then

  • Start by entering the open bracket (

  • Enter the second fraction 5/7

  • Close the second fraction by closing the bracket )

  • Hit the check mark to solve fraction division

What is Fraction Division?

Fraction division is the process of dividing one fraction by another. It involves multiplying the first fraction by the reciprocal (flipped version) of the second fraction. This is done by swapping the numerator and denominator of the second fraction and then multiplying the fractions together. The resulting fraction is then simplified, if possible.

Fraction Division Formula?

Where n = number on top of the fraction (numerator), d = number at the bottom (denominator)

How to Solve Two Fraction Division

To manually solve fraction division between two fractions, follow these steps:

  1. Keep the first fraction as it is.

  2. Flip the second fraction, swapping the numerator and denominator.

  3. Multiply the first fraction by the flipped second fraction.

  4. Simplify the resulting fraction, if possible.

Worked Example of Dividing Fractions

Example: Divide 2/3 by 1/4

  • Step 1: Keep the first fraction as it is: 2/3.

  • Step 2: Flip the second fraction: 1/4 becomes 4/1.

  • Step 3: Multiply the fractions: 2/3 x 4/1 = 8/3.

  • Step 4: Simplify the fraction: The fraction 8/3 cannot be simplified further

The result is 8/3.

Note: Remember, if the numerator and denominator of the resulting fraction have a common factor, try to simplify the fraction.

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