percentage change calculator
Step by step worksheet, percentage change

Solves percentage change using \[p\%=\frac{Final \ - Initial}{Initial \space} \times 100\% \]

percentage change calculator

percentage change calculator

Percentage change calculator measures the relative difference between two values expressed as a percentage.
Solves change in percentage using the formula below


Enter the initial value

step 2: Getting it right

Enter the final value


Hit the check mark to solve for percentage.

What is Percentage Change?

Percentage change quantifies the increase or decrease in a quantity over a given period. To calculate the percentage change, the formula is:

Formula for Percentage Change

Percentage Change = [(New Value - Old Value) / Old Value] * 100

Worked Examples Using Percentage Change Calculator

Example 1

  • Initial= 50

  • Final value = 75

Percentage Change

  • [(75 - 50) / 50]* 100

  •  [25 / 50]* 100

  •  0.5 * 100

  • 50%

In this example, the value increased by 50% from the old value of 50 to the new value of 75.

Example 2, When The Change is Negative

  • Old Value = 200

  • New Value = 150

Percentage of change

  • = [(150 - 200) / 200] * 100

  • = [-50 / 200] * 100

  • = -0.25 * 100

  • = -25%

In this example, the value decreased by 25% from the old value of 200 to the new value of 150.

Example 3, When The  Change Remain Constant

  • Old Value = 80

  • New Value = 80

Percentage change

  • = [(80 - 80) / 80] 100

  • = [0 / 80] 10

  • = 0 * 100

  • = 0%

In this example, there is no change in value as the old value of 80 is the same as the new value of 80, resulting in a 0%.

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