Percentage of Calculator
step by step worksheet, percentage quantity

Solves percentage quantity using \[ \frac{a}{100} \times b\% \]

percentage quantity calculator

percentage quantity calculator

Percentage quantity calculator calculates the proportions or fractions in terms of a percentage with clear step by step worksheet.
Solves percentage quantity using the formula below
percentage quantity-formula


Enter total quantity value in the box marked "a"

step 2

Enter the percentage or portion of, into the box marked "b%"


Hit the check mark to solve for percentage.

What is Percentage Quantity?

Percentage quantity refers to the amount or quantity represented by a certain percentage of a whole. It is often used to express proportions or fractions in terms of a percentage.

Formula use to Calculate Percentage Quantity With Percentage Quantity Calculator

q = b% * a/100


a = Total quantity value

b= the percentage or portion of, as part of the original value, a

q% = is the result to be computed.

Worked Examples Using Percentage Quantity Calculator

Example 1

If a class has 30 students and 20% of them are absent, how many students are absent?


To find the percentage quantity, we multiply the total number of students by the percentage:

Recall the formula

q = b% * a/100

Where a = 30 students, b = the percentage of student absent


30 x 20% = 30 x 0.20 = 6

Therefore, there are 6 students absent.

Example 2

If a recipe calls for 2 cups of flour and you want to use 75% of the recommended amount, how much flour should you use?


To find the percentage quantity, we multiply the recommended amount by the percentage:

Where a = 2 cups of flour, b = 75%

Using the formula

2 cups * 75%

= 2 cups x 0.75

= 1.5 cups

So, you should use 1.5 cups of flour.

Example 3

If a company's total revenue is $10,000 and 15% of it is profit, how much profit did the company make?


To find the percentage quantity, we multiply the total revenue by the percentage:

Where a = $10,000, b = 15%


$10,000 x 15%

= $10,000 x 0.15

= $1,500

Hence, the company made a profit of $1,500.

Example 4

If a container can hold 500 ml of liquid and it is filled to 80% of its capacity, how much liquid is in the container?


To find the percentage quantity, we multiply the capacity by the percentage:

Where a = 500 ml, b = 80%

Apply the percentage quantity formula

500 ml x 80%

= 500 ml x 0.80

= 400 ml

Final answer, there are 400 ml of liquid in the container.

Real-life Examples

1. Sales Discount: If a store offers a 20% discount on a product that originally costs $50, you can calculate the discount amount using percentage quantity:
$50 x 20% = $50 x 0.20 = $10

Therefore, the discount amount is $10.

2. Tip Calculation: When dining at a restaurant, you may want to leave a 15% tip on a $60 bill. Using percentage quantity, you can calculate the tip amount:
$60 x 15% = $60 x 0.15 = $9

Hence, the tip amount is $9.

These examples illustrate how percentage quantity can be used in various situations, such as calculating absent students, ingredient quantities, profit amounts, liquid volumes, discounts, and tip amounts.

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